NAVIC™ store data forever and action human verified alerts.

A look at what one of our clients say.

NAVIC™ embraces all the elements of a Crime Fighting Service.​

Success in this industry happens when the technology, the community and the connection with SAPS work in unison. This relationship is something that competitors do not offer. We don’t just flag wanted vehicles and send out a notification. We coordinate the actions, follow-ups and next steps with SAPS.​

My area has 70 cameras divided into zones. Each community contributes to and is responsible for its zone. When something out of the ordinary happens, community members are the most reliable source of information. They are the ones to tell you what’s out of place if a vehicle shouldn’t be in a particular zone or is acting suspiciously. This way flagged vehicles are spotted with ease.

When a client is on the fence two things are guaranteed to set their minds at ease.

1. The first is the verified alerts. 

If a potential client asks a competitor about verified alerts and they either dodge the question or don’t answer with a sure YES, that’s a red flag.

2. The second is data storage. 

Some competitors only store data for 12 months, and in the cases of court cases that is not enough. Legal proceedings require originals and detailed information. The information fields in the NAVIC™ ecosystem cannot be deleted, and the data collected is stored forever, so you can pull up every detail whenever it is needed.

Does your ANPR service provider provide human verified alert, are cloud-based and save data forever?



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