NAVIC™ Overwatch – Beta Registration
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
If you find yourself here then you are one of the privileged individuals from a select group of privileged Hubs chosen to test NAVIC™ OverWatch.
NAVIC™ OverWatch, or NOW, automatically and in near real-time provides hits of vehicles sought by SAPS spotted in your neighbourhood.
YOU get to verify the vehicle while NAVIC™, SAPS, BAC (Business Against Crime), Law Enforcement, Security Companies, other do the LEGAL COMPLIANCE checking and TAKE DOWN the vehicle (“Pursuit”).
(Please get your local Law Enforcement, SAPS, Armed Response companies, etc to join your Hub so they get the notifications and remove the criminals from your area)
You get front row seats to the action.
Should you later wish to make any suggestions then do so here later or at